Thank you to our 2021-22 Donors!
The Edgemont School Foundation would not be able to annually support the teachers, administrators, and students if it weren’t for these generous donors! Please continue to keep the Foundation in mind when you consider your charitable decisions. You may donate here!

Thank You to our 2018-19 Donors!
Dear Friends,
On behalf of the Board of Directors of The Edgemont School Foundation (ESF), I offer sincere gratitude to our donors for making our 2018-2019 fundraising campaign a success. We are proud to report that over $135,000 was raised making this past year our most successful in ESF’s history. This milestone was only achievable through the support of our generous donors.
Edgemont is a special place. Thanks to you, we continue to enhance the excellence of the Edgemont education that we all cherish. Each gift ESF receives has direct impact in our schools and the educational opportunities for our students.
During the 2018-2019 grant cycle, ESF committed to modernizing the Greenville and Seely Place elementary school libraries. The work to create new learning spaces for our young community members is already underway and has received positive feedback. We continue to work with the administration at the Jr/Sr High School to develop more flexible and collaborative learning spaces in the format of the innovative ESF sponsored E-Lab. I look forward to sharing more information with the community on this initiative as it unfolds.
With the support of the Edgemont community, ESF is able to sustain its mission well into the future. On behalf of ESF and the Edgemont School District, thank you for making an impact in the lives of both Edgemont teachers and students.
With appreciation,

Nancy Gordon