From Jen Borella and Jeremy Levin, SP 4th grade teachers: Our Poetry Podcast Day was a huge success. Their journey began weeks ago in reading as we started talking about poetry, looking at elements of poetry and reading poetry to understand meaning.
Last week our class began writing their own pieces and then shared them with their 8th grade EHS poetry coaches, with support from Ms. Cecere, EHS English teacher. Our students and the 8th graders collaborated through google doc to support the editing process. This was a valuable experience and we saw the excitement as they were given feedback from someone other than their teachers!
8th graders made the trip by bus to Seely Place to support our students with the poem layout and recording of their podcast. Watching this collaborative process was extremely rewarding for both myself and Mr. Levin as we saw our vision come to life from the grant we wrote this year.
The Edgemont School Foundation purchased the high quality microphones we used for this project in order to support our creative and “think outside the box” approach to learning.
Student Quotes:
4th Grader Maya Fenyves: “The podcast experience was so cool. Having the chance to use the microphones was a once in a lifetime opportunity. They made my voice louder and were so exciting to use. I loved making my own Podcast, my dad listens to them so it was fun to make one.”
4th Grader Mason Rothman: “The microphones made my voice louder and let me put my poem sound better and more quality to my poem.”
8th Grader Gabriel Hwang: “My poetry podcast experience was a blast! It was great to bond with and help out some fourth grade students. The whole process of recording and editing was such a wonderful journey! I would totally recommend this for future eighth and fourth graders! It was spectacular.”
8th Grader Celina Spearing: Our 8th-grade field trip to Seely was just as you’d expect! The 4th graders were eager to meet us. We helped them revise/edit their poems as well as helped them record. Everything was perfect as both we and the 4th graders were on their best behavior. Ms. Borella was also an amazing hostess to us and helped answer any questions we may have had. Overall, this was a great experience and I would definitely sign up for it again!

Please use this link to read the poetry podcasts themselves!