Thank you to all who attended the Seely Library Ribbon Cutting Event. We hope you enjoyed the presentations and learned about how your donations impact all students in Edgemont. A special thank you to our presenters: Superintendent Dr. Kenneth Hamilton, Seely Place Principal Eve Feuerstein, Greenville Assistant Principal Michelle Ring, Seely Place librarian Caroline Piazza, 7th grade math teacher Amanda Ruderman, and EHS Co-director of Phaedrus Cory Karpf.
To view the presentations please see below: ESF Welcome Presentation: Click here The Library Presentation: Click here The 7th Grade Math PBL Presentation: Click here Phaedrus Presentation: Click here
Thank you to all for being part of the 4th Annual Distinguished Alumni event honoring Dr. Manisha Juthani. Edgemont is an incredibly special community and school district, and that was made particularly evident through Dr. Juthani’s comments and the stories from Nancy Taddiken, Eric Kantor and the Juthani family. Clearly Dr. Juthani made her mark while in Edgemont and continues to do so in her career as the Commissioner of the Department of Public Health in Connecticut.
Students in the Science Scholars program at EHS were lucky enough to spend time with Dr. Juthani in the afternoon.
To nominate a future Distinguished Alumni, please click here.
The Edgemont School Foundation depends on donations from the community and alumni. To donate to our Foundation in support of our schools please click here. We are continually thankful for all support.
Dr. Manisha Juthani will be the recipient of the 2022 Edgemont School Foundation Distinguished Alumni Award on Wednesday, May 25 at 8 pm. This award was established in 2019 to showcase Edgemont graduates who exemplify excellence in their career, dedication to philanthropy, and commitment to community. Dr. Juthani, the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Public Health, and a member of the Edgemont Class of 1990, personifies all of these qualities. Prior to her current role, Dr. Juthani worked at the Yale School of Medicine where she served as an associate professor of medicine and director of the Infectious Diseases Fellowship program. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Dr. Juthani has been a leading voice in educating the public and appeared in several news outlets and publications, including CNN, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Washington Post. Throughout her career, she has worked to protect the vulnerable and to advocate for the ideal of health as a human right. Click here to register!
Join uson May 25 as we present Dr. Juthani with this award at Edgemont High School auditorium. Scarlet Fu, an Edgemont graduate and Bloomberg television host, will engage Dr. Juthani in a fireside conversation about her experiences in Edgemont and how they have translated into her very accomplished career. Community members, family, and friends are welcome and encouraged to attend.
To support the School Foundation in Dr. Juthani’s honor, please donate here!
In the 2019-2020 and 2021-2022 school year the School Foundation donated three flexible-use classrooms to EHS. The classrooms were designed by 7th grade math students, who went through a rigorous presentation process with three designs being ultimately chosen and brought to fruition. The flexible furniture allows the students freedom to move around, sit in various group sizes, and work to the best of their abilities. The Foundation is incredibly proud of the students who put together presentations and advocated with graphs, surveys and research for their designs to be chosen. None of these classrooms would be possible without the strong relationship that the Foundation has with the teachers and administrators in Edgemont. Please continue to support us and your students!
The Edgemont School Foundation is proud to announce that Dr.Jeffrey Eckardt, Edgemont High School Class of 1963, will posthumously receive the third annual Edgemont School Foundation Distinguished Alumni Award on Wednesday, April 28 at 7:30 p.m. ET.
Dr. Eckardt served as a Commander in the United States Navy and was the Chairman of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at UCLA, where he pioneered innovative techniques for limb salvage surgeries that have now become standard practice in medicine.
The evening, hosted via Zoom, will feature stories and conversations with Dr. Eckardt’s family, friends, and colleagues, who will be discussing his formative experiences at Edgemont as well as his distinguished professional and philanthropic career.
We hope you will join us for a memorable evening. To register for this community event, please CLICK HERE.
The Edgemont School Foundation, along with the PTA/PTSA, granted every classroom an omnidirectional microphone to enhance the hybrid model of teaching.
*Scroll to the bottom for teacher and student testimonials.*
“Young children are novice language participants both as speakers and receivers of the spoken word. The microphones have assisted our work, as they amplify conversations between adults and children by picking up their young, soft voices which can easily fade in a classroom conversation. But more importantly, the increased amplification has helped the children themselves as they communicate with each other on Google Meets during the hybrid learning sessions. I most appreciate the Foundations support for all of Edgemont’s students over the years. But especially this year, you chose to fund an amazing project that has helped all of us teaching during this challenging hybrid situation.” – Dr. Deborah Mumford, Seely Place Kindergarten
In the 2020-2021 school year, the Edgemont School Foundation granted a library renovation to the Seely Place School. During the height of the pandemic the students were not able to use the library, but it is now open and students are checking out books during their Library time. Please see the transformation from unpacking boxes to creating a cozy reading corner.
The Seely Place Library is open for students in the 2021-2022 school year!!!
Seating for a class
A lounge area for students to relax with a good book
Shelves and shelves of fiction books waiting to be read
Crisp and clean shelves
The Seely Library Renovation Finished!
Brand new shelves installed in the Seely Place library
New and modern shelves for the books.
Mrs. Feuerstein sitting at the new tables and chairs for classes to utilize in the library
A rare glimpse into the unpacking process! We are readers at Seely, so there’s a lot of books to unpack!
Books beginning to be shelved.
Two Seely students enjoying the soft seating to share a good book.
A student enjoying the soft seating lounge area with a good book.
Mrs. Feuerstein reading to some students at the new tables and chairs.
The new shelves make finding a good book easy and accessible.
Greenville Elementary School opened its doors to students on Sept. 4 to a nearly complete renovated library, which included new paint, carpet and movable seating and bookshelves. The renovation was funded from a $164,000 grant from the Edgemont School Foundation, which will also cover a library renovation at Seely Place Elementary School set to begin next summer.
“Designs for both libraries are similar and include carpeting, fresh paint, shelving, soft seating, tables and chairs,” said Jen Ratner, the Edgemont School Foundation Grants Committee chair. “The Seely library renovation will occur in summer 2020, due to the asbestos [abatement] required as a precursor to the renovation.”